Volume 61 (2024)

Challenges and Advances in Numerical Analysis – A Special Volume dedicated to the 60th Birthday of Giuseppe Rodriguez
Numerical computation of the roots of Mandelbrot polynomials: an experimental analysis
Dario A. Bini
Pages 1-27; Abstract and links, Full Text (PDF) [1.6 MB], BibTeX
Software is available with this paper.
Simultaneous approximation of Hilbert and Hadamard transforms on bounded intervals
Domenico Mezzanotte and Donatella Occorsio
Pages 28-50; Abstract and links, Full Text (PDF) [381 KB], BibTeX
Averaged Nyström interpolants for bivariate Fredholm integral equations on the real positive semi-axes
Dušan Lj. Djukić, Luisa Fermo, and Rada M. Mutavdžić Djukić
Pages 51-65; Abstract and links, Full Text (PDF) [516 KB], BibTeX
Software for limited memory restarted $l^p$-$l^q$ minimization methods using generalized Krylov subspaces
Alessandro Buccini and Lothar Reichel
Pages 66-91; Abstract and links, Full Text (PDF) [2.4 MB], BibTeX
Software is available with this paper.