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Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis

Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (ETNA) is an electronic journal for the publication of significant new developments in numerical analysis and scientific computing. Papers of the highest quality that deal with the analysis of algorithms for the solution of continuous models and numerical linear algebra are appropriate for ETNA, as are papers of similar quality that discuss implementation and performance of such algorithms. New algorithms for current or new computer architectures are appropriate provided that they are numerically sound. However, the focus of the publication should be on the algorithm rather than on the architecture. The journal is published by the Kent State University Library in conjunction with the Institute of Computational Mathematics at Kent State University, and in cooperation with the Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (RICAM). Reviews of all ETNA papers appear in Mathematical Reviews and Zentralblatt für Mathematik. Reference information for ETNA papers also appears in the expanded Science Citation Index. ETNA is registered with the Library of Congress and has ISSN 1068-9613.


Manuscripts will be posted as soon as they are accepted in a directory which is publicly accessible through the Internet. On a regular basis, the titles of these manuscripts will be e-mailed to registered departments and individuals and posted on public bulletin boards such as NA-digest. All manuscripts are in PDF format. They can be accessed via the World Wide Web at http://etna.math.kent.edu or one of its mirror sites.

The first issue of ETNA appeared on September 1, 1993. The Journal was founded by Lothar Reichel, Arden Ruttan and Richard S. Varga.

Inquiries for further information about ETNA should be e-mailed to etna@ricam.oeaw.ac.at.


ETNA has been able to operate and offer free access to its papers since 1993, mostly due to generous support of Kent State University. To supplement this support, and to be able to continue this service to the scientific community, contributions are welcomed (Details).

Latest articles

Structure-preserving discontinuous Galerkin approximation of a hyperbolic-parabolic system
Markus Bause, Sebastian Franz, and Mathias Anselmann
Volume 63, Pages 1-32; Abstract and links, Full Text (PDF) [450 KB]
LSEMINK: a modified Newton–Krylov method for Log-Sum-Exp minimization
Kelvin Kan, James G. Nagy, and Lars Ruthotto
Volume 60, Pages 618-635; Abstract and links, Full Text (PDF) [1 MB]
Quasi-Monte Carlo and discontinuous Galerkin
Vesa Kaarnioja and Andreas Rupp
Volume 60, Pages 589-617; Abstract and links, Full Text (PDF) [443 KB]
Internality of two-measure-based generalized Gauss quadrature rules for modified Chebyshev measures
Dušan Lj. Djukić, Rada M. Mutavdžić Djukić, Aleksandar V. Pejčev, Lothar Reichel, Miodrag M. Spalević, and Stefan M. Spalević
Volume 61, Pages 157-172; Abstract and links, Full Text (PDF) [326 KB]
A stable BIE method for the Laplace equation with Neumann boundary conditions in domains with piecewise smooth boundaries
Peter Junghanns and Concetta Laurita
Volume 60, Pages 541-588; Abstract and links, Full Text (PDF) [567 KB]