Volume 63 (2025)

Structure-preserving discontinuous Galerkin approximation of a hyperbolic-parabolic system
Markus Bause, Sebastian Franz, and Mathias Anselmann
Pages 1-32; Abstract and links, Full Text (PDF) [450 KB], BibTeX
Variational Poisson denoising via augmented Lagrangian methods
Christian Kanzow, Fabius Krämer, Patrick Mehlitz, Gerd Wachsmuth, and Frank Werner
Pages 33-62; Abstract and links, Full Text (PDF) [769 KB], BibTeX
An Arrow-Hurwicz-type iteration for the thermally coupled incompressible magnetohydrodynamics model with grad-div stabilization
Aytura Keram and Pengzhan Huang
Pages 63-82; Abstract and links, Full Text (PDF) [1.8 MB], BibTeX