Volume 45, pp. 330-341, 2016.

A new geometric acceleration of the von Neumann-Halperin projection method

Williams López


We develop a geometrical acceleration scheme for the von Neumann-Halperin alternating projection method, when applied to the problem of finding the projection of a point onto the intersection of a finite number of closed subspaces of a Hilbert space. We study the convergence properties of the new scheme. We also present some encouraging preliminary numerical results to illustrate the performance of the new scheme when compared with a well-known geometrical acceleration scheme, and also with the original von Neumann-Halperin alternating projection method.

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Key words

von Neumann-Haperin algorithm, alternating projection methods, orthogonal projections, acceleration schemes

AMS subject classifications

52A20, 46C07, 65H10, 47J25

Links to the cited ETNA articles

[1] Vol. 20 (2005), pp. 253-275 Glenn Appleby and Dennis C. Smolarski: A linear acceleration row action method for projecting onto subspaces