Volume 38, pp. 317-326, 2011.

Stieltjes interlacing of zeros of Jacobi polynomials from different sequences

K. Driver, A. Jooste, and K. Jordaan


A theorem of Stieltjes proves that, given any sequence {pn}n=0 of orthogonal polynomials, there is at least one zero of pn between any two consecutive zeros of pk if k<n, a property called Stieltjes interlacing. We show that Stieltjes interlacing extends, under certain conditions, to the zeros of Jacobi polynomials from different sequences. In particular, we prove that the zeros of Pn+1α,β interlace with the zeros of Pn1α+k,β and with the zeros of Pn1α,β+k for k{1,2,3,4} as well as with the zeros of Pn1α+t,β+k for t,k{1,2}; and, in each case, we identify a point that completes the interlacing process. More generally, we prove that the zeros of the kth derivative of Pnα,β, together with the zeros of an associated polynomial of degree k, interlace with the zeros of Pn+1α,β,k,nN,k<n.

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Key words

Interlacing of zeros; Stieltjes’ Theorem; Jacobi polynomials.

AMS subject classifications

33C45, 42C05

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