Volume 34, pp. 187-203, 2008-2009.

Comparison between different numerical discretizations for a Darcy-Forchheimer model

Hilda López, Brígida Molina, and José J. Salas


This paper is a numerical study of different discretizations for a mixed formulation of the Darcy-Forchheimer equation. Different finite elements are used: constant functions, conformal linear functions and Crouzeix-Raviart non-conformal finite elements. The behavior of the discretizations is analyzed through a comparative study of some test problems. The numerical results suggest that one of the proposed discretizations has better convergence properties for the velocity.

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Key words

Darcy-Forchheimer's model, mixed formulation, numerical discretizations, finite elements, algorithm of alternating directions.

AMS subject classifications

35Q35, 74S05, 58C15, 65F10