Volume 18, pp. 49-64, 2004.
Efficient preconditioning for sequences of parametric complex symmetric linear systems
Daniele Bertaccini
Solution of sequences of complex symmetric linear systems of the
form $A_j x_j=b_j$, $j=0,...,s$, $A_j=A+\alpha_j E_j$, $A$
Hermitian, $E_0,...,E_s$ complex diagonal matrices and
$\alpha_0,...,\alpha_s$ scalar complex parameters arise in a
variety of challenging problems. This is the case of time
dependent PDEs; lattice gauge computations in quantum
chromodynamics; the Helmholtz equation; shift-and-invert and
Jacobi–Davidson algorithms for large-scale eigenvalue
calculations; problems in control theory and many others.
If $A$ is symmetric and has real entries then $A_{j}$ is complex symmetric.
The case $A$ Hermitian positive semidefinite, $\Re(\alpha_j)\geq
0$ and such that the diagonal entries of $E_j$, $j=0,...,s$ have
nonnegative real part is considered here.
Some strategies based on the update of incomplete factorizations
of the matrix $A$ and $A^{-1}$ are introduced and analyzed. The
numerical solution of sequences of algebraic linear systems from
the discretization of the real and complex Helmholtz equation and
of the diffusion equation in a rectangle
illustrate the performance of the proposed approaches.
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Key words
Complex symmetric linear systems; preconditioning; parametric algebraic linear systems; incomplete factorizations; sparse approximate inverses.
AMS subject classifications
65F10, 65N22, 15A18.